Thursday, May 17, 2012

Black Belt Focus

HALO's Life Skill for this month is Focus. Our staff, youth, and volunteers are encouraged to concentrate on how they might improve this life skill in their lives. One fascinating example of this is the keen focus of our volunteers. Their focus helped us surpass our $150,000 goal at the KC HALO Artreach Auction a few weeks back. This will will give hundreds of children in need the ability to dream. 

I asked Brian Davidson, my Martial Arts instructor of 15 years, to be a guest blogger today and teach us a bit about the focus of a black belt. Such a treat:

FOCUS  is the necessary ingredient for success.  Without FOCUS, getting to a goal is an accident or a lucky break.  FOCUS does have a teammate, however.  His name is DISCIPLINE. The two teammates work hand-in-hand to achieve goals.  DISCIPLINE requires FOCUS and FOCUS requires DISCIPLINE.  To become successful at anything in life we have to repeat it over and over. 

In my sport of martial arts, I have to punch and kick every day.  And each day I have to approach the punch or kick as if I’m not good at it yet,  as if I have so much more to learn about the punch or kick. Even as a Master my kick will always have room to improve.  I must use FOCUS to continue to enjoy kicking and punching.  I must FOCUS on the image I have in my mind of what the kick is supposed to look like.  I will continue that FOCUS until it matches my mental image. 

This analogy is applicable in all areas of life.  FOCUS forces us to settle down and concentrate on a task. But at the same time it forces us to move forward as we get closer to achieving our goal.

A Drill to Practice:
Make a Major Goal.  Set up 3 small goals that will help you reach the Major Goal. FOCUS on the first small goal, the second, and then the finally the third.  You will find yourself reaching more goals using this format. 

Exercise to Simulate:
Major Goal: 75 pushups.  1st small goal: 25 push ups. 2nd small goal: 2nd set of 25 pushups. 3rd small goal: 3rd set 25 pushups.  Once you are able to do 3 sets of 25 push-ups, you have completed your Major Goal.  Congratulations. 

Brian Davidson
6th Degree Black Belt
Master Instructor, Multiple World Champion
Professional Mixed Martial Artist


  1. awesome!! congrats on the art auction!

  2. Hi Rebecca! Sorry for the unrelated comment but I could find a way to contact you directly. Mike Morrell and I really appreciate your blog, and think you'd be an excellent candidate for our Speakeasy Blogger Network. Do you like to review off-the-beaten path faith, spirituality, and culture books? Speakeasy puts interesting books in your hands at no charge to you. You only get books when you request them, and it's free to join. Sign up here, if you'd like:

    You're not on any contact lists, I promise; if you don't respond, that's it, and the invitation is open as long as you're actively blogging. Hope you join us!
