Friday, September 17, 2010

A Bigger Apple

I traveled to the wonderful world of New York City this week.  When I got in my first cab I rolled down the window, closed my eyes and felt the city. The smell of exhaust was quickly drowned out by a bakery stand on the street.  Ahh, New York. 

The song by Alisha Keys about New York with the lyrics, “the big lights will inspire you” is true.  I felt inspired just watching people walk briskly to their next important destination. Times Square reminded me that people do big things. Somebody started each of those stores/campaigns/organizations/companies and somehow they all grew to astronomical sizes.  It made me think bigger about HALO.  Thanks, Big Apple.

I had a meeting with an acquaintance who works on the corporate philanthropy side of a very well respected clothing company.  She was kind enough to let me pick her brain on how HALO could possibly benefit from partnering with a company focused on CSR (corporate social responsibility).

We have produced items over the years for HALO geared toward raising funds and awareness about our cause.  We have t-shirts, necklaces, onesies and bags for sale at our events and on our website store.  Its very small scale, but it has been successful and for whatever reason we haven’t put much effort into growing it.  We print artwork on greeting cards and sell them.  We also sell t-shirts that say the difference they make. 

Wilson with his picture of someone who cares for him.
This meeting made me think bigger.  We have thousands of pieces of artwork that need to be shared with the world.  Why couldn’t we mass produce these items and sell them at stores around the US?  What is stopping us? 

We have a very unique product that has the potential to connect the consumer with the cause and the spirit of the child artist.  We could expand to putting artwork on t-shirts.  We have such potential to make impact on the consumer and on the lives of children in need around the world.

I leave feeling invigorated.  If anyone knows anyone in merchandising or with experience in these sorts of endeavors, please send them my way.  I want to talk to people who have done this before, bought for a company, created and driven campaigns… anyone with experience in this arena. 

If you would like to purchase a HALO shirt or greeting card, please visit our store at:

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